
Collective Nouns develops socially innovative projects with a human-centered approach. By means of various disciplines, Collective Nouns identifies specific social needs, and works towards the enhancement of social responsibility, empowerment of personal growth, well-being and openness to the Other. Design and other creative mediums are the foundation’s main tools for achieving these goals.

We emphasize the importance of contextual, sometimes unconventional research and of the creative thinking process behind each project. Foundation Collective Nouns believes in the power of collaboration and partnership. With this approach we hope to enrich our work, to broaden the discussion around each project, and allows unexpected proposals and solutions to be created. We connect between governmental organizations, local enthusiasts, local workshops, experienced professionals in the social/cultural sector and groups in the margins of society. In our process we involve input from our participants and different partners. During a project, we work with (not only for) our target group, we create together and emphasize on the empowerment and independency of our participants. As a design foundation, we emphasize not only on the social aspect of our work but also on maintaining a high level of execution and visual communication.

The board:
Sytse Koopmans – Chairman
Mathilde Heijns – Secretary
Hennie Schreurs – Treasurer
Zina Mansoor – General board member

The board members work on a voluntarily basis.

info [@]